Through my daily quiet time with Him, recently, I've felt God speak to me and showing me things that have led us to certain decisions, ones met with opposition and discouragement. But we remain faithful because God has revealed things to us and has led us down this particular path and until He shows us something different, we keep on going, knowing and trusting that His will is far greater than anything we could ever imagine.
Today, after I was done with my devotion, a song came to mind: "I Will Lift My Eyes" by Bebo Norman. This song is one of my favorites and it just gave me goosebumps as I stood in my kitchen, washing dishes, singing it out to the Lord. The words in the first verse have been my prayer these past few days:
God, my God, I cry out
Your beloved needs You now
God be near, calm my fear
And take my doubt
What led me to this prayer:
Saturday morning I woke up excited to check my email in the hope that I may find a response to the email I sent the doctor's wife who is at the hospital, in Malawi, where the triplets are being cared for. There it was, I had mail, and it was from her! To my surprise, however, it was not the email I was hoping to find. I was expecting a new update on the triplets, one like the last that said they were doing well and gaining weight, but this one was not an update and it was not an email that I received 'well'. The email, in short, said that the word had gotten out in the hospital that we were working to adopt the triplets and that sparked interest in people. Four different individuals were interested in the babies already apparently (1 couple and two nurses) and they somehow got together and came to the conclusion that splitting the girls into 3 homes is what was best because they didn't want the burden to lie on anyone one family. So, they were interested in adopting them.
You can only imagine how I felt! I will be honest, I was a complete mess. Had God really waited 8 months to show us children He wanted us to adopt only to take them away? I had to leave the house, no really I did, I had a lunch playdate for my little ones scheduled for 5 minutes from then and I had to pull it together. Well, that lasted until I made it the house we were going to for lunch, which was just a quick trip up our apartment stairs, and I fell apart at the door as it opened. (note:Trey was at work and unreachable at this time) God knew I needed Traci (our neighbor and friend) and I believe He used her in a mighty way that day as she brought us in and prayed for us. She prayed for the wisdom to discern God's will for our lives, for God to remain faithful to us, for the hearts of these Malawians to be softened (since there are a lot of people in Malawi who still oppose international adoption), for God to show the judges and whomever else what He has already shown us (to keep these babies together). It brought me back! Where Satan had weaseled his way into this crazy moment, to try to bring doubts in my mind, we had used the power of prayer to push him out. Adoption, especially one that involves multiples, may seem to some as a inconvenience, a burden, a distraction to what God has already called our family to, but to us it is a BLESSING! God is bigger than anything and everything we put in front of him; our jobs, our marriage, our families, school, and yup! our adoption! As Job says,
"I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted." (Job 42:2)
So, He can and He will do all things according to His will and purpose. We continue to seek God and follow where He leads!
Encouraging Words:
I received an email from the TLC "Quints by Surprise" Ethan and Casey Sunday evening in response to one I had written to them two days early. I had asked for some honest advice from them on daily life with multiples. What a blessing their words were. They were honest about it being a tough at times, but they were also honest about the blessings they've had because of their children. They also encouraged us to stay in the Word, to always work hard at our marriage and for it to always stay centered around Christ, and to always make sure to include our older ones (Hannah and Noelle) in everything we do, so that they will always feel included and special!
I also spoke with our lawyer in Malawi yesterday and to our dear friend there. They are going to meet up and start working on everything for us. His words in our conversation on Monday went a little like this:Ralph- "If I can just get you in a room with a judge and let you speak about your love for Africa and orphans, there is no way he can say no to you!"-I pray that this adoption will be a testimony to our attorney that God is in control and that things will work according to His timing and will. I'm not sure if He is a believer, but I hope that we can share Christ with Him while I'm there because He already has such a heart for the orphans in Malawi and if He is a believer, then that is just too cool!!!!! Also, we were told by our friend, Laura, in Malawi that the Crisis Nursery where the girls are to be sent once they reach 5pds, does not allow siblings to be split up (at all)! So, I'm not sure how these families were planning on splitting them up, since the aunt already told Crisis Nursery to take them.
Prayer Requests:
-Pray for God to continue to reveal His will to us, that we may only go where He is leading us
-Pray for the triplet's aunt, that our lawyer may find her, speak with her, and that she will sign a petition to allow the triplets to stay together and allow us to adopt them all
-Pray for the girls (the triplets), for their health
-Pray for our family as we will be transitioning soon to a bigger family, that we always remain focused on God
-Pray for our support, as we still need to raise the $2,500 for my trip (at least $1,800 by the end of the week to purchase my plane ticket)
-Pray for my passport to be updated and sent back quickly and for our FBI Clearances to be returned to us quickly