Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So, by now all of you who follow our blog have come to realize that this process is a slow one. It 'pulls and yanks' at our patience and we couldn't do it (even just beginning) without strength from the Lord. We shared in the last post that we'd be sending in our pre-application to be approved for our home study from Catholic Charities and so we did. It has been sent and we're just waiting for a response, but with Christmas and people being out for the holidays, it may take longer than we expected to hear a reply back from them. And so everyday God works on our "fruits of the spirit", patience, joy, ...well you know. To be patient when all you want is to be onto the next stage of the process. Joy when you feel stressed about the amount of paper work required or the thoughts everyday that our child is somewhere with no mommy or daddy to tuck them in at night.

Trey and I had purchased the book 'Adopted For Life' by Russell Moore a couple of years ago, but never really started reading it. Now, seemed to be as good a time as ever! The book is a powerful tool to discover God's plan for our lives to take care of those orphaned around the world, but most importantly to realize that we have been (and some of us still are) orphans at one time, but through God's sovereignty and grace and the belief in Jesus' death and resurrection we have been adopted as His children. And that's just in chapter one and two. So, if you have it and haven't read it yet I recommend starting and if you don't own it, I recommend getting a copy!

 We are so glad you are along for the journey and look forward to one day sharing this blog with our son or daughter and letting them know how you helped in bringing them home!

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