Friday, March 18, 2011


       What does His name do for you? Does it fill you with wonder? I wonder at how MATICULOUS God is in His perfect plan for our lives. First, let me begin by saying that I serve an AWESOME and WONDERFUL Savior, who has called us to expand our family through adoption. This blog, up to this point, has been the journey of our adoption to Ethiopia. Due to the events from the past couple of weeks, which I will share, we have a new direction in which God has taken are the events that have led us to this point:

Sunday March 6th- Bro. David (a local pastor) came to our church and spoke on his recent trip to Malawi, Africa, where his church had drilled a well. I was unable to be there that evening because our two little ones were sick, but Trey came home and told me all about Bro. David's trip, the work in Malawi, and the living conditions for Malawi children and their families (if indeed they had families). The high % rate of death in Malawi due to the AIDS epidemic leaves thousands of children orphaned. When Trey told me all of this, I immediately felt a feeling I had never felt before. I can't explain it, but all I said to Trey was, "This is our country, I don't know why I feel that way but it is." That night I was up to, well 3 am Monday morning doing research on adoption to Malawi. There were no adoption agencies that worked in Malawi, I couldn't find any blogs on families that had adopted any children from there, and I was getting no where. But still I felt like it was the right thing, that this was something God was showing me-showing us.

Monday March 7th to Now- Everything that I couldn't find I have. There may still be no agencies that work with Malawi adoption, but we are working hard on our end to do everything the agency would normally do. God has also put people in our paths to help with other aspects of the adoption including: the Malawi Embassy in Washington, D.C., our Malawi lawyer, and now our new found IMB missionary friends who are our liaisons in Malawi. Our home study process has begun, including all of the tedious paperwork (which we have almost fully completed) and our home visits (first of which is Thurs. March 31st-please be in prayer for us).

MALAWI! A country we knew almost nothing about or had never even considered for adoption, up until 2 weeks ago. While God was opening the door to Malawi, he was closing the door to Ethiopia (as Ethiopian adoption has slowed down due to some inter-country adoption changes). So, here we are in the midst of God's awesome plan for our family's life and we are so excited about what is in store. As we wait for the child God has already hand picked for us, to be identified by our new friends and contacts in Malawi, we continue to pray for patience and continual direction

Please continue to journey with MALAWI!

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